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Donation Total: $100


How does an educator participate?

Educators interested in supporting a student through Omar’s Dream Program do not need any special training or expertise. Omar’s Dream Foundation will provide each teacher with the equipment necessary to sustain a connection to the participating student. The Foundation also will assist the teacher(s) to obtain the necessary support and approval from the school and District.

Participating teachers should, at minimum, contact the school Principal or Administrator for guidance on how to work with the District to obtain approval, if necessary. The educator(s) also will need to obtain consent from parents with students in the classroom in the event classroom students interact with the participating student and, thus, are broadcast into the hospital room via video conference.

Each classroom is unique. We will work with participating educator to fit Omar’s Dream Program into their existing classroom routines. Keeping things as normal as possible for the participating student is at the heart of our mission.


The Foundation understands that schools may have privacy concerns for its students. As a result, the Foundation anticipates that some form of consent will be required by the school to permit the students to be on the webcam.

There are ways to minimize (indeed, eliminate) any broadcast from the participating student’s hospital room and vice versa. The Foundation is available to consult on other ways to assist with broadcasts.